Tuesday 25 April 2017


Makes about 4 Cups (600 ml)

8 oz (227g) Dried Chickpeas - small ones, about the size of a green pea.
2Tbs + 1tsp Salt
1/2 tsp Baking Soda
3/4 Cup of Tahini (112.5ml) - sesame paste
3.5Tbs Lemon Juice (50ml)
1 to 2 Tbs extra virgin Olive Oil
1Tbs of chopped Parsley
1/2tbs ground Cumin
1/2tbs Paprika

Soak the chickpeas in 8 Cups  [4 pints (1200ml)] of cold water and 2TBS of salt for at least 12 hours.
Add the 1/2tsp of Baking Soda to 10 Cups [5 pints (1500ml)] of water and bring to the boil. Drain and add the chickpeas to the boiling water and return it to a shimmer. Cook until the chickpeas are very tender and the skins are falling off, about 45 minutes.

Drain over a large bowl as you need to use some of the cooking water later, roughly 3/4 Cup (112.5ml). Set aside about 2Tbs of the cooked chickpeas for later use. transfer the rest of the chickpeas to a food processor, add the last tsp of salt and blend on high for 3 minutes.

Stop the food processor and add the Tahini. Blend for another minute until very smooth - stop and use a rubber spatula to make sure the bottom of the bowl and sides are mixed in as well. With the machine running add the lemon juice and the cooking water and process until combined. Season with addition salt to taste.

Transfer to a shallow bowl and make a well in the center to drizzle the Olive Oil into, then top with the unprocessed chickpeas set aside earlier, parsley, cumin and paprika.


Personally I didn't think the chopped parsley didn't add that much to the dish and actually detracted from it but it is traditional.

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