Friday 22 April 2011

Somerset Chicken

This one is a real easy one folks but real tasty.

Somerset is a rural county in the south of England. It is famed for 3 things its rural accent, apples and cider - that's hard cider to you Americans.

This dish is inspired by the county.

Take 1 chicken breast per person and fillet it - cut length wise down middle of the chicken breast, cutting half the way into it. Then cut to both sides to open it up. Basically you want it thin and twice the size.

Next apply a generous coating of apple sauce (chunky not smooth for a bit of texture) to the breast. Cover with generous coating of grated cheese. White cheddar works well but most types work as long as it melts and crisps up.

Cook in oven at 400F for 20 to 25 mins or until chicken is cooked.

Best served with a glass of cider ;-)

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